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Posted by Dwayne P
Andrew Schulte2 wrote:
I'm in the process of making a WEC overlay myself, this looks amazing. How could I get the color stripes, the classification with the class name, and the classification rows to work? Thanks!

The color indicators (the stripes etc) are all done using dynamic images. I've created an image for each class respectively.
For the classification rows I used 2 separate instances, the left side has an offset of 1 I believe (Build the overlay back in end 2019/early 2020), and the right side has an offset of 4 (basicly the left side displays pos 1,2,3 and the right side displays 4,5,6. And after a set interval both jump 3 places, so the left side ends up displaying 7,8,9 and right side displays 10,11,12)

Took me a couple of hours to get this to work properly back then.
Might redo the entire overlay with all the newer updates added by the dev team.