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Posted by Kyle H
Nick Thissen wrote:
We push new Flag events whenever iRacing changes their list of active flags.

If GreenHeld goes up while the Caution or Yellow flag is still active, then yes we may trigger another Caution or FlagYellow event indeed.

I need to see if this is desired behavior or not... probably not, but I'm not sure how to handle it better.

It sounds like maybe we should just completely ingore the GreenHeld flag? I will check with David myself. If this flag is only there to 'activate' the flagman animation earlier then we don't want to react to it.

This may help me debug: when this second caution event happens, do we also count an additional caution? So the amount of cautions we count in the sessionstate binding is off by a factor 2?

I can't test the caution count until tonight - but I think we just want to ignore flag held - it's only there for the flagman to "be ready" for the green. I'm not sure it's really useful for theme integration, although I can only speak for myself.