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Dwayne Prins wrote:Simon Grossmann wrote:This is the exact same issue I ran into with the seconds on the same lap. Thank you Simon for this snippet of code. After some tweaks I got this working with the script shown above. Thank you for "guiding" me in some way :)
This is what we use internally for custom themes to convert gaps:internal static string ConvertToTimeString(this float seconds, string secFormat = "0.000", bool withMinutes = true, string prefix = "", string def = "")
if (seconds <= 0)
return def;
var min = 0;
float sectime;
if (withMinutes)
min = (int) (seconds / 60);
sectime = seconds % 60;
sectime = seconds;
var sb = new StringBuilder(prefix);
if (min > 0)
sb.Append(min).Append(':').Append(sectime.ToString("0" + secFormat));
return sb.ToString().Replace(',', '.');
If somebody is interested, this is the part I changed:
From this:// If the car is in the same lap just return the time
return "+" + interval.ToString("0.000");
To this:// If the car is in the same lap just return the time
// If the car is in same lap but over a minute behind, convert total seconds to proper format
var min = 0;
float sectime;
if (interval > 60)
min = (int) (interval / 60);
sectime = interval % 60;
return "+" + min + ":" + sectime.ToString("00.000");
return "+" + interval.ToString("0.000");