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Posted by Nick Thissen
We used to include a theme long ago, but it was designed after F1 graphics which is not allowed anymore, so we took that theme out. Unfortunately we never replaced it with another theme. Again, we are working on it, but it costs time to do it properly.

Your comments are fair and we do recognize the issue, it just takes time to resolve. Please also understand we provide this software for free so that everyone can get into the hobby without any commitment. But it does take some effort on your side to create a theme, this is unavoidable.

As for the design itself, you can still use Photoshop or Illustrator or whatever you want to design your theme in terms of images and graphics. In the Theme Editor you mostly control placement of those graphics, control flow (when to hide/show things) and connection to the sim data. This is not something that "Adobe suits" can do obviously. There is also a 'Import PSD' feature which may help to speed up the initial design as it will create widgets for you for each layer in the PSD.