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Posted by Nick Thissen
There are several options where you can find out what kind of data and names exist:

  1. Look in the Object Explorer in the Theme Editor (Window - Object Explorer). The Object Explorer shows everything available in the "Simulation" and "Theme" object. The Simulation object is sim data which can be accessed from the "ISimulation" object in a script. The Theme object has things related to your current theme, like your widgets and other items. You can dig through this tree view to find what is available and can see properties (and their values) and methods.
  2. Look on our Github where we share the interfaces available in the Themes SDK. This is a little bit outdated and not "live" but you do see exactly what is defined. This is limited to the sim data though, not the theme.
  3. Use Visual Studio Code to write your scripts. From the Theme Explorer you can right-click the Scripts root (or any script itself) and select "Open in VS Code Editor". If you have VS Code installed it will open a new project in VS Code with your scripts. If the C# plugin is also installed then it should (after a short while) install our ATVO package and then you will have full access to things like Intellisense and auto-complete. Here is a short guide: ATVO VS Code guide