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Posted by Christian S
So I've created a little Storyboard for testing purposes, but there's a little porblem

This little storyboard should be an infinite loop between TV1 and Cockpit cam.
The Problem is, that the storyboard ends, the second time it has been executed.

I've attached, the event log, maybe that will give you some additional information.

16:23:12 Camera Rotation Storyboard finished and stopped.
16:23:12 Camera Rotation Changing camera group to Cockpit
16:23:11 Camera Rotation Changing camera group to TV1
16:23:11 Camera Rotation Storyboard started playing.
16:23:11 Camera Rotation Storyboard stopped manually.
16:23:09 Camera Rotation Changing camera group to Cockpit
16:23:08 Camera Rotation Changing camera group to TV1
16:23:08 Camera Rotation Storyboard started playing.
16:23:08 CamerRotON Button clicked.