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Posted by Nick Thissen
A storyboard can now start itself. Please read the release notes carefully as you probably need to change the way you start the storyboard from within the storyboard:

  • Storyboard Actions now include two different ways to start a storyboard:
    • "Start new instance": this starts a new instance of a storyboard independent of any already running instances of the same storyboard. Running this action multiple times will start multiple instances of the storyboard which run simultaneously.
    • "Restart": this stops any already running instances, and starts a single instance of the storyboard. Using this action ensures you cannot accidentally start multiple copies of the storyboard.
  • The "Restart" action should be the normal way to start a storyboard, to ensure you don't accidentally click the button twice and start it multiple times.
  • The "Start new instance" action should be used if you want to start a storyboard from within itself (meaning: your storyboard contains an item with an action that starts the same storyboard). This results in a storyboard of infinite duration (as it will keep calling itself).
  • Please note that a storyboard calling itself will report an incorrect duration; this has no effect on the functionality.
  • The "Stop" action will stop all running instances of a storyboard.

For you, long story short:
  • The button to start the storyboard for the first time should use "Restart"
  • The action to start the storyboard recursively from within itself should use "Start new instance"

I had to change the way storyboards work a bit so please check if all works OK.