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Posted by Nick Thissen
Typical usage example
The simplest usage example is to use the condition flags to block repeated execution of a certain action. For example, suppose you have a button that shows a Ticker widget with an animation. If the Ticker is already visible, you don't want this button to restart the animation. You want to block the "Show" action execution if the Ticker is already visible.

The steps needed for this kind of flow are:
  • Create a new Condition Flag (e.g. "C_Ticker"). Make sure the default State of the flag matches the default visibility of the ticket widget.
  • Create a button meant for showing the ticker.
    • Add a 'Show' widget action and specify the condition: select the C_Ticker condition and uncheck the state. This indicates: only execute the show action if the C_Ticker is unset.
    • Next, also add a 'Set' condition action and change the state of the condition to set. This action should also only execute if the condition is currently unset, so use the same condition as the show action.
  • Create a button meant for hiding the ticker.
    • Add a 'Hide' widget action and specify the condition: select the C_Ticker condition and check the state. This indicates: only execute the hide action if the C_Ticker is set.
    • Next, also add a 'Unset' condition action to change the state of the condition to unset. This action should also only execute if the condition is currently set, so use the same condition as the hide action.

Actions for the "Show" button: show the widget (but only if the condition is currently unset), and set the condition flag to indicate the ticker is now visible.

Actions for the "Hide" button: hide the widget (but only if the condition is currently set), and unset the condition flag to indicate the ticker is now hidden.