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Posted by Nick Thissen
Starting in version, I introduced an experimental useful feature where you can group items in the Theme Explorer in folders. This allows you to more easily keep track of items if you have a long list of many items.

Creating folders
To create a folder, you have to move at least one item into a folder. There is a new button on the Theme Explorer that invokes the "Move to folder" dialog. Enter a name for your folder and the selected item will move into that folder (or create a new folder if it does not yet exist). You cannot have empty folders.

Moving items between folders
To move an item into a folder, you can also drag and drop it in the Theme Explorer. You can drop it outside the folder to move it out.
Alternatively, you can find the Folder property on each item (now in the General information category) and change it there.

Deleting a folder
If you select a folder and hit delete, a warning will tell you that all items in that folder will be deleted. To delete a folder without deleting the contents, simply move all items out of the folder.

  • You cannot nest folders, only one level of folders is supported at the moment.
  • The folders are purely for visual purposes and serve no other functionality.
  • You cannot have an empty folder.
  • Folders are not supported on nested items such as SubWidgets and Labels, only the top-level Widgets support folders.
  • Folders on items that correspond to actual files in your Contents folder (images, videos, fonts, etc) do not correspond to the real folder location. The files themselves must still remain in the root Contents folder and will not go in subfolders. Again, the folder in the Theme Explorer is a visual effect only useful for grouping but serves no other purpose.
  • In cases where the order of items is meaningful (for example: Widgets, where the order determines the Z-index, or which widget is on top), ordering of the items is only maintained within each folder. Meaning: folder "A" with 3 widgets has those 3 widgets ordered by Z-index, however a different folder "B" may be either above or below that folder. The widgets in folder "B" do not necessarily go above or below the widgets in folder "A". The Z-index is still decided on each widget, and moving the folders around does not change that.