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Posted by Steven P
First, the software you’ve created is fantastic! A coding illiterate like myself can make a super complex overlay with all the tools you’ve included! Much appreciated.

I’ve got everything that I want out of the software without having to script except two things.

1) Is there a way to mute the volume of the SIM temporarily. I have some ads for sponsors that play and would like to decrease the sim volume so you don’t hear the engine sounds in the background. Manually I can trigger a camera change and have the camera volume set to 0, but that eliminates using that camera for anything else. Just wondering if there is a simple script or object I can trigger to get the desired effect.

2) When the replay controls are used, I have a trigger for a Replay widget to pop up so viewers know they aren’t seeing a live feed. I’d like to set a timer so that if the broadcaster forgets to go back to live, an automatic trigger/script will switch from replay to live stream. Basically, 30 seconds after a replay starts, if the stream hasn’t been returned to live, then return it to live.

As I mentioned, I’m not coding literate (I can copy code and make changes to make stuff work, but not knowledgeable enough to write a script From scratch) so any help or direction is appreciated.