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Posted by Kyle H
Nick Thissen wrote:
The simplest way to show laptimes is to use the "laptimes" dataset. It will return the laptimes of the currently followed / focused driver, starting with the most recent and counting down. You can use a static ticker with 4 items to show the last 4 laps.

I don't believe we offer a ready-made average laptime binding. To get that you would need a script to grab the laps you want and average them yourself. In principle we can add average laptimes but then there are many questions to answer and not everyone may want the same thing (e.g. how many laps to average? How do you handle invalid laps? etc).

A relatively simple script could take as input an "entitysessionresult_object" and go through the Laps list of the result, taking only valid laps and calculating their average:

I've been trying to figure this out, forever... Was pulling my hair out a few months ago. You make this look so easy! This will be very useful, I'll have to test this out sometime. Thank you!