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Posted by Ezeckiel R
Nick Thissen wrote:
I assume you mean 'swap animations' where the ticker items move to reflect the new positions? Unfortunately these are still not supported due to technical issues with how the tickers are implemented. It is still high on my list but it's a tricky problem to solve in all cases.

Any tickers with swap animations using ATVO are custom-built themes, they do not use the theme editor but were made by us from scratch. It is not comparable to the theme editor.

You can however do some different kind of ticker animations manually. Some examples will be available in the ATVO Theme we will release soon. For example, I use a ticker to show the grid or the list of results. It shows up to 10 results and then scrolls up to show the next 10 results, etc. This is all done with a static ticker (that shows up to 60 drivers), a simple 'TranslateY' animation to move the entire widget, and some scripting to make sure it moves the appropriate amount.

Yeah; I was looking for swap animations on tickers. Hope to see an update in the future to support it though!