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Posted by Nick Thissen
Are you referring to the "speedfast" or "speedprev" bindings? They are supposed to return the average speed of the fastest or previous lap respectively.

What they actually return is the track length divided by the laptime. Is that now how the average speed should be calculated? What are you comparing ATVO to, does iRacing give its own average speed (I am not aware of it) and is that more accurate than ours?
I can't change too much there, both the track length and laptime are given to us by the sim and they should be accurate enough (track length is accurate to meters, laptime accurate to at least 0.001 second) so I can't explain a 1-2 mph difference there.

Besides this we also calculate the speed of each car at all times, but this is not going to be very accurate because it is calculated based on track position. There is a limited sampling rate and we also don't have the exact position on track, we only have the approximate distance along the racing line (if a car takes a very different line its speed is going to be calculated wrong). So you can't use the average of all speeds to calculate an accurate average, it will be way off.