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Posted by Jean-Christophe B
Thanks Nick, it works well :)
I just needed to add the data.enums and also write correctly OffTrack (and not Offtrack... case sensitive).

'Offtrack' appears only when the car is out of the track and disappear immediately when the car come back to track. So the display could be very fast. Is there a way (script) to display 'offtrack' a little bit longer (a minimum time)? (with a fade out It will be the cherry on the cake ;) )

Quick question: Before I ask, I did a search on 'Offtrack'  in data/object explorer... and I didn't find 'Offtrack'.
So, how can I suppose to find the solution by myself? :)
I'm glad that you provide me the solution... but I would like to know if it's possible to find the solution without you :)

@Rich: Like Dwayne, It's the same script ;)

EDIT: Unfortunately I have a (script) performance issue :(
Idk why but I have now this error:

Before that I had 30FPS and 8ms. Now my interface is really slow.
I'm using this script several times (Overall Top25, Class1 Top25, ... Class4 Top25) for Practice, Qualif and Race.