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Posted by Jean-Christophe B

I'm a little bit lost... not sure if I have to use Event Trigger, Condition flag, Script, ... for a simple thing.

Actually, I've two buttons for cockpit and roll bar camera to show 'On board' on the upper left. I have also a TV1 camera button to go out of the car and hide this onboard widget.
But if someone use built-in ATVO camera instead of my camera buttons then it will not show my onboard widget or the widget will remain if they don't use my TV1 button.

So I'm wondering if it's possible to track the current camera and then display my widget on specific camera (cockpit and roll bar).

Do I need to use 'Camerachanged' in Event trigger to track the current camera?
If so, do I need to write a 'Condition script' about camera?
I thought it would be more simple...