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Posted by Kyle H
Nick Thissen wrote:
Next update will get two helper methods you can call in your script to format laptimes and session times:

TimeHelpers.SecondsToLaptime: converts total seconds (83.12345) to a formatted laptime (1:23.123).
TimeHelpers.SecondsToSessionTime: converts total seconds (11933.12345) to a formatted session time including hours (03:18:53).

Awesome! I got the previous method working but this will be nice as well. Side note, unrelated but since I have you here - I'm trying to build up a big .csv full of custom track names/short names, including columns for banking, local population, etc.

iRacing has something like 360+ track IDs - is it going to be super inefficient to attach this file and loop through all those lines to find the track ID that corresponds, or is there a better way to do this? I've been trying to use the track ID binding to reference a specific row but I'm struggling a bit.
