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Posted by Daniel F
Hello all,

first i want to thank you for ATVO, great Stuff.

I have a Problem with the Event Triggers, maybe someone can help me. (und sorry for my bad english ... )

Many things i was able to teach myself, but the Event Triggers i dont unterstand.

I have a Ticker in the Top, that works without any problems. But now i want add some triggers, for example when the race get startet (i think thats EventType "Lights off") or when the race after a caution getting restartet (FlagGreen?!) or caution, naturally.

I want that the Ticker get invisible and the trigger event "load" a new .gif with "Green Flag" and "Caution" for 10 seconds for example. After that the Ticker should be automatically displayed again.

So, how can i solve this? With a dynamic Background? But how does that work?

I tried it otherways. I have a new Widget with Label called "GreenFlag" for example. So i put there the for the Background Image "greenflag.gif" (btw: the gif is animated, but in ATVO its not animated?!) and packed that in a new Scene "GreenFlag1".

Now i added a new Event Trigger with the Event Type und added the controls (you can see it in the picture below) ...

But i doesnt work. And i dont know how it is possible to add the time while the TriggerEvent should have been showed (10 Seconds or something) ...

Picture Event Trigger Actions
Pucture Ticker
Picture "GreenFlag"

Maybe someone can help me, that would be great. I tried it now for hours, but i dont unterstand it.... ;(