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Posted by Nick Thissen
A Scene is a group of Widgets that belong together logically. You can think of a Scene as a single "page" of your overlay, with a group of multiple Widgets that will be displayed on the broadcast at the same time. An example could be a group of Widgets related to a comparison between two or three drivers: two or three widgets, one for each driver, would always show at the same time. Another example could be the 'introduction' of your broadcast showing things like your info, info about the race that is coming up, etc.

The purpose of Scenes
Within ATVO, Scenes serve two important purposes:

  • A Scene can be made visible or invisible on the overlay during your broadcast with a single Action. Instead of having a long list of Actions that hide or show many Widgets, which needs to be updated every time you add or remove Wigdets, you can simply show or hide an entire Scene at once. When you add or remove Widgets from the Scene, you do not need to update your list of Actions. To use this feature, instead of using 'Change Widget Visibility' actions, you use 'Change Scene Visibility' actions.

  • A Scene can also be made visible or invislbe within the Theme Editor, while you are designing your theme. Since themes rarely show every Widget at the same time, it is almost impossible to design your theme if every single Widget is always visible. Therefore Scenes can be turned off from either the Scene Editor or the Scene Explorer windows. As a bonus, turning off Scenes with many Widgets greatly improves the performance of the editors as it no longer needs to draw the Widgets in invisible Scenes.

Adding or removing Scenes
To add a new Scene, you can use the Add Scene menu button available in the main menu, the toolbar, and the right-click menu of the Scenes items in the Theme Explorer. Additionally, you can use the 'New Scene' button in the Scene Editor.

To add or remove Widgets to a Scene, select the Scene in the Theme Explorer, and use the 'Widgets' properties in the Properties window. Alternatively, you can drag/drop Widgets into a Scene in the Theme Explorer tree, or into the scene preview windows of the Scene Editor.

When you remove a Scene, it does not remove the Widgets in that Scene from the theme.

The Scene Editor
The Scene Editor is a useful window that allows you to quickly visualize your overlay. Each Scene gets its own preview window which shows only the Widgets of that particular Scene. You can click on each preview to show or hide that Scene in the main Overlay Editor. The Scene preview windows update live as you change your Widgets.