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Emmanuel Suter wrote:There is no Restart indeed. Just do Stop, then Play to start a new instance:
For stroryboard, error is when I want to make:
Restart is not a definition of Storyboard
sybd.Stop(); // stops all instances of this storyboard
sybd.Play(); // starts a new instance
Emmanuel Suter wrote:You can use this:Emmanuel Suter wrote:This is for Ticker with DropDown selection:
And if I want when I change Class, to use Class Position than Position (when i am not in AllClasses), we need to change DataOrder, but the name not match in my script.
Is it possible to add in script to change to Dataorder --> liveposition if index=0 and Dataorder --> liveclassposition if index >= 1 ?
widget.DataOrder = DataSetManager.GetDataOrder("liveclassposition");