Report post

Are you sure you want to report the post shown below? This will send an email to the ATVO administrators. Please include a short reason for reporting.

Users reporting for no reason may be locked out.


Posted by Emmanuel S
Thanks, it is ok I add it to your code
var dropdown = (Dropdown)item;
var selectedIndex = dropdown.Items.IndexOf(dropdown.SelectedItem);
var dataO = "";
if (selectedIndex == 0)
// The index of the dropdown items happens to coincide with the class filter indices,
// so this is an easy way to set the index without a long list of "if" or switch statements
index = (DataClassIndex) selectedIndex;
dataO ="liveposition";

if (selectedIndex >= 1)
// The index of the dropdown items happens to coincide with the class filter indices,
// so this is an easy way to set the index without a long list of "if" or switch statements
index = (DataClassIndex) selectedIndex;
dataO ="liveclassposition";

// Finally change the class filter
// Also restart the ticker to have it recalculate which items to show
foreach (var ticker in tickers)

ticker.DataOrder = DataSetManager.GetDataOrder(dataO);
ticker.DataClassIndex = index;

Now I have to change info in the label position to position and not classpostion ;)
I look in your new theme, I see in the Driver info something help me.