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Posted by Nick Thissen
Nick Thissen wrote:
We do track the start and end time for each pitstop I believe so from that we could give you the total elapsed time. But this info is not exposed to you so you can't get to it.
I was wrong - we do give it to you, I was just not looking in the right place.

The result object (IEntitySessionResult) has four properties regarding pit lane and box entry and exit times:
PitLaneEntryTime, PitLaneExitTime, PitStopStartTime, PitStopEndTime

PitLane means entry and exit of the pit lane, while PitStop means the actual stopping in the box. The values indicate the session time at which each event happened in seconds, so if you somehow track these and take a delta you get the time in seconds since the last pitstop.

It is still a bit tricky to calculate total stint time from this. I'll see if I can make that easier.