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Posted by Lukas R
Nick Thissen wrote:
I don't know if you can do a Find on a label in a Ticker like that. Tickers behave differently as each copy of the template subwidget is a separate copy that's not otherwise connected to the theme. It may work, or it may not.

Can you check if your "label" variable is valid? Are you getting errors during execution? You can add a log statement and check the event log:
var label = subwidget.Labels.Find("L_Tower_Temp");
      if (label == null) Console.WriteLine("Label not found");

If that is the case, you can try getting the label by its index using the following. You'll need to ensure the order of the labels remains the same though (or update the script). Assuming it's the 4th label (index 3):
var label = subwidget.Labels[3];

You were right. I can't choose the specific widget in a ticker. So, instead, I did a little work around. Here's my solution, hopefully it's going to help someone.

1) I have split the widget in two. One widget is for the leader with a BOLD text as default, with the other used as a ticker for the rest of the grid, with a NORMAL font weight. I might have 2 widgets, but thanks to the script changing the data, it's still far better than having X widgets for each. The performance of the TV graphics has improved a lot.

2) As of colours, I had to make a mistake somewhere, because the override function has started to work again, so I just returned to use though. However, there are some animations disadvantages, so in a long-term plan, I still want to add it to the Tower code and I believe the problem is in a way the GAP/INTERVAL times are processed in the background.

Maybe a question - if I want to look for a live interval between 0 and 0.300 seconds, how to write it so ATVO can compare it with raw data from iRacing? What is the unit? Is it 300, or 30?