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Posted by Olivier T
Hey guys!

I've been reading through a bit of those threads and always found a solution to my problems so far, but for some reason, the proposed solution either doesn't work or I'm doing something wrong.

Basically, I want to make a widget that shows the fastest lap whenever a new fastest lap is set. The twist is that, even though there is a trigger, it operates during practice, qualy and race sessions, so I want to make sure that this widget only appears during the race.

I have whipped up the following code, but setting the trigger to execute it, or even setting a button to execute the code, at least to make the widget display, doesn't make the widget appear:

IEntitySessionResult result = (IEntitySessionResult) value; 

var session = result.Session.Type.ToString();
var widget = item.Theme.Widgets.Find("Fastlap");

if (session == "Race")
widget.IsVisible = true;

return "";

Am I doing something wrong here?