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Posted by Nick Thissen
There are many ways to achieve this.

First of all what is wrong with using two buttons, one for showing the widget in C and one in F?

Another option could be a Dropdown control with those two options. You can then put a Show action in each item, so once you switch to the other unit it will show the right widget. You can also make the dropdown not react to its selection instantly but apply the selection via yet another button click (so you first select the new option, then click another button to run the actions of that selected item). This is all possible with a simple dropdown control, no scripting required either.

You can even avoid two widgets and simply swap the bindings on the labels in the widget between C and F bindings. Or maybe even easier - just bind to one unit and do the conversion manually in the script.

If you give me some more info on how you want it to look I can show a clearer example.