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Posted by Robert O
Hey everyone,

I'm currently casting to a few series' that have their drivers flagged as "Am" and "Pro" but not in the traditional way of doing class, rather they run the same cars and are flagged by unique numbers or a symbol in their name to delimit who is who. I can change the symbols and backgrounds easily enough through the inbuilt features ATVO has, but I want to cast these flagged drivers into their own data set so they can be shown in their own lists.

My plan was to use a custom dataset, but I'm stuck right now.

My current psuedocode:
foreach (var itemResult in sim.Session.Current.Results)
if (itemResult.Entity.Name.Contains(itemFlag))

But right now I'm not able to cast the Driver entry to the CustomDataSet. I might be pushing it's functionality too far.

Any help would be appreciated!