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Posted by Jay K
Currently experiencing an ATVO crash in team sessions as soon as I go to Open the timing window. The issue only happens in Team events. Wanting to use the Alpha for the updated NDI plug in but can't get that with the Beta or Stable versions. Have attached a log file.

Download logfile
Error: 8/23/2020 3:57:38 AM (UTC)
ATVO version:
Themes SDK version:
Theme version:

Unhandled exception
System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: A TwoWay or OneWayToSource binding cannot work on the read-only property 'Name' of type 'ATVO.Data.Entity.Team'. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: A TwoWay or OneWayToSource binding cannot work on the read-only property 'Name' of type 'ATVO.Data.Entity.Team'.
at MS.Internal.Data.PropertyPathWorker.CheckReadOnly(Object item, Object info)
at MS.Internal.Data.PropertyPathWorker.ReplaceItem(Int32 k, Object newO, Object parent)
at MS.Internal.Data.PropertyPathWorker.UpdateSourceValueState(Int32 k, ICollectionView collectionView, Object newValue, Boolean isASubPropertyChange)
at MS.Internal.Data.ClrBindingWorker.AttachDataItem()
at System.Windows.Data.BindingExpression.Activate(Object item)