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Posted by Nick Thissen
The session from which the results are shown depends on what dataset you have selected for your widget. The most common which you probably use is "standings" which takes the results of the current session. There is also "warmup" and "qualification" which do the same, but take the results from the practice/warmup and qualification session.

There is no built-in datasets for each heat of a multi-heat server, mostly because we cannot know beforehand how many heats there will be and what they will be called.

What you can use instead is the "selected" dataset. This one returns the results of the session that you have selected in the "Sessions" list of the Timing Screen. You can double click a session in that list to select it, and that "selected" dataset will start returning results from that session instead of the current session.

The red arrow session indicates the current one, while the selected session is highlighted in blue.

In this example, the server advanced to the warmup after Heat 1, but by double clicking Heat 1 you can still go back and show its results (as long as your widget is set up to use "selected" dataset and not "standing").