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Posted by Nick Thissen
I can't think of a trivial way that you can do this right now with the available tools. The simplest way is probably for me to add a new "play type" that you can select under the "Value" of an action that plays the video. Right now there is only "Once" (play once, then stop) and "Loop" (play, then restart). I can maybe add there "Once, then pause" or something, to make it pause at the last frame rather than stop. I'll see if that is easy to add.

Alternative for now is if you know the length of the video exactly, then you can put some simple logic in a Storyboard that does this:
- At time 0: Play video
- At time "length of video": Pause video

This may work but the timing may be a bit finicky so you may have to play with it a bit to get it to work consistently.