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Posted by Kyle H
Nick Thissen wrote:
It is not possible with a single Label, but it should be possible using the various layout options that I added specifically for this reason. However when I just tested it did not work anymore, maybe I broke it somehow... I will check it out this evening.

Basically what you need is:

- A SubWidget with two Labels, one for the first name and one for last name
- Give the first label and second label different font weight
- Enable the "Autosize" option for at least the first label. This way - it should automatically scale by its contents and put the second label next to it. (This seems to be broken currently)
- In the SubWidget set the Child Layout to StackedHorizontal - this should place the labels next to each other

You can try to play around with it to see if you can get it to work, I only had a few minutes. I will investigate this evening if there is something I need to fix.

It does seem to be working incorrectly. Hm. Is there a way to assign weight based on the databinding within the same label? And while we're on that - adjustable kearning would be really neat. Probably getting out of the scope of what's reasonable.
