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Posted by Nick Thissen
We cannot export the graphics as a browser source, however we do support NDI which is very similar. With an OBS plugin you can add an NDI source which shows the ATVO graphics similar to a browser source. ATVO can then run on another computer as OBS, as long as they are on the same local network.

The Data Tunnel is one step further removed - it allows you to also run ATVO and iRacing on different computers. You can of course combine these if you have enough computers :)

Basically the three typical setups are:
  1. 1 PC: ATVO, iRacing and OBS all run on the same PC. ATVO graphics are physically moved on top of iRacing window and captured via screen capture. This captures both ATVO and iRacing at the same time.
  2. 2 PCs: ATVO and iRacing run on one PC, while OBS runs on a second PC. Use NDI to capture and stream the graphics over LAN to your OBS PC. This gives you a separate source for the ATVO graphics. How you insert iRacing graphics behind that is up to you (another NDI source is possible or any other method).
  3. 3 PCs: iRacing on PC1, ATVO on PC2, OBS on PC3. Use Data Tunnel to let ATVO receive iRacing data via LAN, and use NDI to capture the graphics in OBS. Again, how you capture iRacing is up to you.

You can go even further if you really need maximum performance and flexibility but it is quickly overkill for anyone other than the professional broadcasters (e.g. iRacing themselves). You can use multiple iRacing camera views and mix them all together via any means you want. Then you can use one of those for the data (or yet another iRacing PC just for the data, connected via Data Tunnel), and use NDI to put the ATVO graphics on top of your mixed iRacing streams.