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Posted by Kevin Neitola
ESEN esports AB Grape wrote:
Hi, is there anybody that can make a theme for our cup in sweden?
I have been trying and i just don't have the time to learn at the moment so need help.

I found a old theme that works super fast and smooth but it's russian theme and it's to old to edit. I will include it below and here are our links as well.



Hi Johan,

as we discussed via email, our offer of course still stands. If you would like to consider it again we can still talk about the details and see what we can do.

FN Brian wrote:
did you find out any info?  I am looking for a theme to purchase

We can only offer our custom themes at the moment, but there might be users who can help or even create a theme for you.
Anyone who wants to have a custom theme can send us an email to - that being said, the custom themes are meant for a professional audience and therefore come with a price. Details will only be discussed in private.