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Posted by Billy R
using System;
using ATVO.ThemesSDK;
using ATVO.ThemeEditor.ThemeModels;
using ATVO.ThemeEditor.Scripting.DotNET;

namespace lapspeed.cs
public class lapspeed : IScript
public object Execute(ThemeContentItem item, object value, string parameter, ISimulation sim)
var result = (IEntitySessionResult)value;
var laptime = result.FastestLapTime;

var trackLength = 2.50f; // Hard-code 2.50 miles

var laptimeHours = laptime / 3600; // Laptime in hours
var speed = trackLength / laptimeHours; // Average speed in mph

return speed + " mph";

that's the code i have in now, which is giving me this error: (Line 12) The type or namespace name 'IEntitySessionResult' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

which in this case is the var result line.