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Posted by Angel F
Nick Thissen wrote:
I'm not sure exactly what's going wrong here. Do you know where in the script it fails - eg which line is still logged to the Log output?

I believe we allow you to disable sectors so perhaps you removed a sector and that could explain why there are only 2?

I've noticed it by doing a test, putting the biddings that I put in the photo the application directly launches an alert continuously and doesn't let me do anything else than close the program because when I accept the alert a new alert comes out.

On the other hand, I have only tried to pass the object of the session in Spa and in this case it returns 3 sectors, as you can see in the photo. I don't know why, because with the same data as in Motegi here, it does return 3 sectors.

The error I don't know exactly how to see the line where the script fails, that's why I sent the complete log that the program generates.
