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Posted by Nick Thissen
Thanks for the feedback Jeremy. Once I have some more time I may work on the theme a bit further, indeed there are some small bugs and missing features I still want to add.

Compare box: I think you are right and the gap / interval should be with Data Offset of 1. Thanks!

Single / Compare animation: indeed something I planned to add but did not get around to. It is not hooked up.

PIT after the race: I think it is simply a bug / mistake in the "GapBindingConverter" script. It should first check if the race is finished, and if it is then it should not check for cars in the pits. I believe the gap / interval is correct after the race, we fix it at the final gap at the line (the one iRacing tells us after the race). The script is simply not reaching that part of the code and returning "PIT" because the cars are listed as in the pits after they escaped from the track.

I believe this is a simple fix that will keep showing intervals after a car has finished. Just replace the first part of the "ConvertToGapOrInterval" function on line 158 with this, which checks for "Finished" in addition:
// show OUT/PIT in a race
if (r.Session.Type == SessionType.Race)
// If we are still racing, then check for OUT or PIT
if (!r.Finished)
if (r.Out)
return "OUT";
if (r.Entity?.Car?.Movement?.IsInPits == true)
return "PIT";