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Posted by Josh L
I have everything set how it is in the default theme, yet whenever I hide the widget with an animation and reshow it, the animation plays without unhiding the widget. To be clear, it shows the widget with the animation on the first button press - after that, it just plays the animation without showing the widget.

Here's how everything looks in the editor:

Button: Restart storyboard "SB_ScoringBox_In" on condition "C_ScoringBox"
Storyboard: Show widget "W_ScoringBox", play animation "A_ScoringBox_In", set condition flag "C_ScoringBox" (all in same item)

Button: Restart storyboard "SB_ScoringBox_Out"
Storyboard: Play animation "A_ScoringBox_Out", unset condition flag "C_ScoringBox" --NEXT ITEM-> Hide widget "W_ScoringBox"

Condition Flag Settings
"visibility" is UNCHECKED
Everything else default

Animation Settings
"reset to default" is UNCHECKED
Everything else default

Really not sure what's happening, any help is appreciated!