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Posted by Jeremy K
Nick, as I start to dig in more to the theme you provided, I'm more and more impressed. I'm making lots of progress, and learning lots about Storyboards, Sub-widgets, animations and scripts.

My first modification has been to look at providing two options for "Compare" .. so that depending on which car you are following, and which battle is in view on camera, you can show the delta for the car in front or the car behind the followed car. This meant I needed to split the Compare Control button into two (i've added that as the first screen shot below.)

How this works is that if you are following a car and click "Compare Behind ->", the followed driver info appears on the left, and the compared driver info appears on the right, and the delta box shows the data with an interval of +1 (This was the original behaviour, but I fixed the Data Interval offset)

If you click the "<- Compare Ahead" button, the followed driver info appears on the right, and the compared driver info appears on the left.

Examples appear in the other two screen shots.

For additional fun, I found that the best way for me to learn was to reverse engineer the existing theme, which meant I documented all the elements and their values, and then created a second document to track my changes.

I'm going to share those documents here, as well as a link to my work in progress theme which represents my ongoing modification to Nick's original theme.

I wanted to maintain the same structure when adding new elements, but I think in the process, I'm making things too complicated.

I will do a new version with a different approach, but thought it might be interesting to share my work as I go.

Please provide your feedback, and any insights on how you might build it differently.

My Modifications (Google Doc) note: only includes data that I was modifying.

Original Data (Google Doc) note: only includes data that I was modifying.

My theme (rar)

Let me know what you think!

