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Posted by Josh P
I'm having trouble with this as well. Seems to be the same symptoms as above but I'm not sure where I'm different. I've got 4 widgets created that are basically a graphic with the "lap * of *", only the image I've used for each are different (green, yellow, white, and checkered). I created 4 event triggers for each of the four flags. Each event trigger has its event type set properly (FlagGreen, FlagYellow, FlagWhite, or FlagCheckered) and each has 4 actions. These actions essentially show the widget associated with that flag and hide the rest, basically how OP has his pictured.

During the race session's 3-minute practice, qualify, and grid, the colors seem to change as expected, but it just stays green once the race is started. When I look at the Timing Screen's Session Events tab, I do see events such as "CautionWaving, StartHidden Flag" or "Green, StartHidden Flag". In the Event Log, I'm only seeing "flagGreen" items, no yellows (I haven't stuck it out to the end of a race to see white or checkered shows).

Any ideas?