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Posted by Jeremy K
Hi all,

I'm continuing on with my custom theme based on the awesome one created by Nick last year.

one modification i would like is to have the class colour ID in the ticker smaller than in the default theme.

In the screen shot attached, P1 is the default theme.

P2 is a photoshop of an example of what i'd like to do.

In the theme editor, I found VTicker - SW_VTicker - L_Carnum and i changed it's width to 4x40 (instead of 40x40) and i almost got effect i want, but the text label disappeared, so i'm guessing this subwidget controls both the text and the background colour.

What's the best way to separate the two? I haven't yet reverse engineered it enough to discover where that colour is controlled .. is there a script for it? I'm still digging .. but any help would be greatly appreciated ..

