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Posted by Josh P
I've created a typical "race preview" graphic that cycles through stuff like the track name, location, number of laps, air/track temp, etc. I then created a couple of fade-in/fade-out animations, then created a storyboard to have all these cycle through over about 45 seconds. Finally, I tied the storyboard to a button so I can click once and it does the rest for me. Works great. However, in the spirit of further automation, I'd like to start showing this info automatically as soon as gridding starts. An alternative would be when the parade lap starts, if the race has rolling starts.

I've looked through the event trigger types and nothing stands out as being usable. I already know that the sim sends indication when gridding as began, as evidenced by using the "lapcounter" data in the "sessionstate" data set. Additionally, I've noticed an event in the session events screen of ATVO that states "Session state changed to ParadeLaps", so that seems to be available as well.

Can these two items be added as event trigger types? Or are they already accessible in a form that I'm not familiar with already? Thanks!