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Posted by Nick Thissen
Sorry I have a hard time figuring out what you mean.

The code simply does these steps:

  1. LoadPointSystem: Load point structure from spreadsheet (how many points to award per position)
  2. LoadStandings: Load current standings from spreadsheet (e.g. which driver has how many points)
  3. UpdateSessionStandings: go through the drivers in the standings, check their current position and award them the points for this race.
  4. UpdateChampPositions: assign championship (live) position based on their points
  5. UpdateSessionChampResults: go through the drivers in the session and also assign the champ data to the Entity.ChampionshipResult data. This can be used in regular databinding, there should be bindings for each of these.
  6. UpdateDataSets: for each driver in the standings, add his championship data (pos, name, carnumber and points as an example) to a bunch of Custom Dataset items. This allows you to show a set of standings that include drivers that are not in your session, but this is a very "hacky" way to do it.

The logic is very simple: everyone that is in the session will be awarded points. Everyone that is not in the session, but is listed in your standings csv, will also be listed, but you cannot show them in any regular data sets because they are not in the session.

I feel that this is such a recurring issue that I will investigate if I can add this functionality to ATVO directly. It will probably not support all usecases especially with complicated point systems or bonus points etc, but I should manage some simple functionality.