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Posted by Jeremy K
Hi all,

I'm making good progress with my custom theme based on the ATVO 2020 Theme (screen shot attached of my modifications to the vertical ticker) and I have an interaction questions as I progress:

- How do I change the background colour for just the currently followed driver? For example, if my camera is currently following #12 Bert Matthys in the screen shot, i'd like that background in the ticker to be a bit lighter. I'm still using the same background as in the 2020 theme, so that is controlled by W_VTickerTop ->SW_VTicker -> L_Background: Background = Static Background - Brush #66434343

So, if i want to override the background transparency only for the followed driver, is that possible inside a ticker?

.. or does the ticker mean there cannot be an override for a single driver entry? If that's the case, is there another way to build a leader board so this is possible?
