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Posted by Emmanuel S
I do that just this month ;)

This a script, you use for override color font or backround as you want.

using System; 
using ATVO.ThemesSDK;
using ATVO.ThemesSDK.Data.Entity;
using ATVO.ThemeEditor.ThemeModels;
using ATVO.ThemeEditor.Controls;
using ATVO.ThemeEditor.Scripting.DotNET;
using ATVO.ThemesSDK.Data.Enums;
using ATVO.ThemesSDK.Data.Results;
using ATVO.ThemesSDK.Data.Session;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Media;

namespace Scripts
public class SC_followed : IScript
public object Execute(ThemeContentItem item,object value,string parameter,ISimulation sim)
if (value == null)

return null;
// Bind to "entitysessionresult_obj" to get the IEntitySessionResult as the value

IEntitySessionResult result = (IEntitySessionResult) value;

var foll = result.Entity.IsFollowedEntity.ToString();

if (foll == "True")

return Color.FromRgb(244,251,14);

return Color.FromRgb(255,255,255);

Tell me if it is ok for you ;)