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Posted by Nick Thissen
It sounds like you know how to create a custom dataset that applies a custom filter, but you don't know how to get the data to filter with. Right?

I think there are few ways to solve this, but unfortunately there is no way to access the theme (and its spreadsheets) from a custom dataset at the moment. That is something I have to add in a new build.

Once I do that, then something like this could work:

Option 1: get the team names of every driver from the spreadsheet, then return only those with matching team name
In the Filter method of the custom dataset you get a list of all results (IEntitySessionResult). You could do a loop over all results and find the teamname of each result via the spreadsheet "GetBindingData" method. That returns the data of one specific column for one specific driver. Repeat that in a loop for all results and keep building a list of matching results as you go along. In the end just return that list.

Option 2: get the drivers/results that match a given teamname, and filter the list of all results based on that
Perhaps better for performance: you can also get a list of rows from a spreadsheet that match a given input on a specific column. For example you can request a list of rows where column 4 has "YourTeamName". Then, you can use the identifier in that column (typically column 0) to match back to your results. For example if your identifier is CustomerId then you can filter the list of results based on the customer Ids that you get in your matching rows.