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Posted by Scott P
Fairly new here, but getting a grasp on much of ATVO. Much thanks to the admins here that spend so much time.
Problem is, I can’t seem to get the “event triggets” to work.
I have the typical caution, green flag, white flag triggers set for my widgets, but they’re not firing. Here’s what I know:

My triggers have the correct flag selected; (green/lights go, yellow/caution)
My Sub widgets have static backgrounds selected, with text: (caution, etc).
On the actions for the event trigger, I have visibility set as Show, sub widget selected, target value is blank, and ‘set’ unchecked.
I guess I don’t understand the settings.

Once I export, and run, when any trigger fires, I see the time on the control panel, but my actual sub widget does not go off.
Any ideas??? I’ve tried several things. Hoping/assuming it’s an easy fix.
Thank you so much!