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Posted by Jeremy K
Thanks Nick!
I've just tested the updated version, and can confirm it no longer crashes :)
And here's an extra nugget that might help you target in on the culprit:
I forgot to mention that in addition to the Error message, the other thing that would happen is that the "Buttons" folder would go completely empty. I would have no choice but to close ATVO Theme Editor and reopen it again to get the Buttons folder populated now.
With this latest build, when I repeat the exact same steps I posted above, when I click that same X button, the Button folder automatically opens and the B-HideGrid button object in the Thme Explorer is automatically highlighted Blue.
So is it possible that Object Not Found bug is related to the behaviour of automatically selecting the Control in the Theme Editor?
Hope this is helpful . .and thanks again for the fix .. Looks like I won't have to start from scratch :)