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Posted by Nick Thissen
ATVO version 1.40 introduces a new gap & interval calculation system, which behaves much better.

  • Gaps and intervals are now calculated in real-time and can be updated multiple times per second.
  • The update rate can be changed in the settings. This controls how many times per second the gaps update. You can use a fractional value < 1 to update slower than once per second (for example: an update rate of 0.5 would update once every 2 seconds).
  • Gaps and intervals no longer need time to "settle" but should be correct immediately and always.

Please keep an eye out for issues in the gaps especially related to multi-class races and report any issues. In case of issues: you can revert to the old-style calculation by enabling "Legacy gaps" in the settings.

Please let us know your feedback for the updated gap calculation here!