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Posted by Dustin O
Just wondering if this is still a thing, or if I need to script something similar...

I used to be able to supply IRTVO with a csv with alternate names for drivers, as long as the customerID column was col0, it would parse the top row for the equivalent data bindings (fullname, carnum, ect) and override the ones from iRacing. If they were empty, the iRacing ones would still show through.

I honestly can't remember if this was built into irtvo, or if it was something we added when we made the theme, but I have a script of team names that I want to override the iRacing ones with, and am having no luck so far. I was kind of hopeful that I wouldn't have to script it, as I need to go back into most of the widgets and strip out fullname and replace it with the csv name, and pray that I don't miss anyone that signs up to the league lol.

Thanks for the help in advance.