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Posted by Aron ó
I'm having a weird issue or a stroke, i must be missing something obvious.
I've been trying for hours to get Dynamic images working in my theme, i'm using a spreadsheet and using a iracing id/club id(not iracing)/club name to show the correct photo for each driver, and it shows the correct id in label as text from the spreadsheet but doesn't show the image.
Nothing works, ive been all over this forum and i'm convinced it should work as i've set it up but it just doesn't, i dont see any background at all.

As i understand it, i only need to copy the images to the theme folder, not add them all through the editor. Right?

So i made a fresh theme, copied the images to the theme folder, skipped the spreadsheet bindings and tried the iracing id binding on both a label and sub-widget, with a path: "Content/Images/photos/{0}.jpg" and that didn't work either.
Then i made sub-widget and gave it a static color and well i don't even see the background of that sub-wiget. what going on... why can't i even make the widgets or labels colored??

Saw something about the sub-widget possibly not being visible, but i dont find any setting related to that. i can see the label text in the widget but no backgrounds.