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Posted by Aron ó
... hopefully this will help others hahaha. Note that i have no coding skills at all!

2019 - i tried for so many hours to get dynamic images to work. So. Many. Hours!
2020 - again... MANY hours trying to find out what i was doing wrong, reading this forum like i was getting paid to do this.
2021 - 9 damn hours just going crazy over the fact that i know how to do it. but it just doesn't work for me. FML!

Then it hit me when i copied a windows path into atvo...
"oh, so i use \ not / in the path"

so "Content/Images/photos/{0}.jpg" Does not work
but "Content\Images\photos/{0}.jpg" Works perfect

Literally 30+hours trying to figure this out over the last two years and then as soon as i reach out for help, i figure it out my self.
I tried everything but a backwards dash.