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Posted by Nick Thissen
Spreadsheets can be used in different ways but your objective is probably the easiest. When you add a spreadsheet that has additional information about each driver (or team), you can use the columns in the spreadsheet as additional data bindings. There must be at least one column that uniquely identifies a driver or team, usually the customer ID, car number, team ID (you can select which one it is in the spreadsheet properties). The system will automatically match each driver to the corresponding row in the spreadsheet, and use the data in each column as the additional data binding values.

To use it simply add the spreadsheet, play with the properties so that it looks correct in the spreadsheet editor (make sure each row and column is correctly separated), select the appropriate row identifier. Then, wherever you show data in a Label, the data binding browser will show each column in your spreadsheet(s) as additional data bindings.